Jet - She's A Genius PDF Print E-mail
New Singles - Rock & Indie Rock Singles
Written by Matt Killeen   

My Sharona. My my my my Sharona.  Need I go on? Oh, OK then...

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That they have chosen to mimic one of the most recognisable riffs in the world is not what makes this unacceptable.  It’s their choice of riff and the execution that rankles. 

Just as "Are You Gonna Be My Girl?" sounded eerily familiar to Lust for Life & 1969, Jet are now forced to forage through the bargain bins at WH Smith for inspiration, like tramps going through the skip behind McDonalds one half eaten Fillet-o-Fish away from trading a hand-job for a can of Special Brew.

Whereas their 2003 hit bounced along with a youthful abandon that screamed, ‘yes we know and we don’t care’, "She’s a Genius" smells of desperation.  Their mainstream debut bordered on the acceptable, nay, even catchy and hinged on the great delivery of the line “now you don’t need that money when you look like that, do ya honey”

This is neither of those things.  Once the riff disappears into the verse, this has nothing whatsoever to commend it.  As for the lyrics, they are so flighty, so transitory, so meaningless in the true sense of the word, that the song is still playing and I’ve already forgotten them.  Jet.  Even their name belonged to someone else! 

If you're fifteen, this probably sounds great.  If not, you’ll know that Reef did this far, far better and had the courtesy to fuck off and not outstay their welcome.

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